Seinru Narako

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Seinru Narako
Seinru First Appearance.png
So please, don't reject this gift. Don't let me down, now of all times. DCRC icon.png
First Appearance DCRC icon.png


Sen (by Edolon Vryche)

Emanant Aspect



16 Repitonian Solar Sweeps

Gender Identity

Any Pronouns (Nonbinary)



Typing Style

Uses the "Cambria" font and speaks with proper grammar and syntax.


Edolon Vryche - Matesprit (Bonded.)


Chamber Cultist ♫
Rejoice And Be Merry ♫
Lament For A Dying Planet ♫




Seinru Narako was a secondary troll in Vast Error and the high priest of the Harbingers of the Alpocalypse, a naught-father worshipping cult. Their associated alchemic sigil is Fusion.

Biography[edit | edit source]

At least two sweeps in the past he was the leader of a small and seclusive cult called The Mora. This cult would later be shifted into the Harbingers of the Alpocalypse for reasons he will not disclose. For the past two sweeps, he was the high priest of the Harbingers, the only one above him in power being Weird Al. After Seinru's death, Edolon replaced his role as the high priest of the Harbingers.

Shortly before the comic’s events, they acted as a willing sacrifice in a ritual that would, using their soul as a key, unlock a gateway to The Abyss from which homunculi would emerge. Seinru's soul now resides inside of The Abyss where they control these homunculi to further aid in the cult’s plans.

Personality and traits[edit | edit source]

Seinru is shown to be a confident, subtly manipulative individual in their brief appearance. They affect an air of caring concern when speaking to Edolon, all while pushing him to go through with their wishes.

He does not seem shaken about the prospect of dying to further the Harbingers' goals -- in fact, they are completely at ease with their fate, to a perhaps unsettling degree.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Edolon Vryche[edit | edit source]

Edolon is Seinru's bonded matesprit and a fellow member of the Harbingers of the Alpocalypse, as well as former leader in their previous cult of the Mora.

Edolon is shown to be highly dependent on Seinru and shows a willingness to be completely open and vulnerable around her, something not seen in any of his interactions with other characters thus far. Edolon has a fear of disappointing Seinru; a fear which has been reinforced by Seinru’s selfish nature and her distaste of when Edolon merely implies having beliefs that go against her own, no matter how selfish her own beliefs are. This is due to Seinru’s own unshakable idea of what she thinks is best for Edolon, an idea that blinds her to what would actually be beneficial to Edolon and to what Edolon himself actually desires. This mutual devotion that they have blinds one another both to the true nature of their unhealthy relationship. This has led them both to loving idealized versions of the other that they have created in their heads.

Prior to the ritual, Edolon believed that he wouldn’t be able to go through with sacrificing Seinru because of his love and dependence on them. Seinru, on the other hand, was unsettlingly accepting of their own fate and – despite their own love and dependence on Edolon – saw the sacrifice as an opportunity for him to grow and grow stronger without their guidance.

Seinru is very openly affectionate with Edolon, often squeezing his hand to ease his nerves or kissing his cheek when sensing his anxiety. Seinru himself resents the world and Corporate for its mistreatment of Edolon and believes that he has the right to reclaim the world as its rightful owner, a belief he has instilled in Edolon.

Talald Hieron[edit | edit source]

Seinru is shown to enjoy Talald's presence in the cult and calls her “my little bubblegum flavored pudding pop.”

Valtel Gurtea[edit | edit source]

Not much is known about their relationship besides the implication that they once worked together as leaders of The Mora before Valtel escaped the cult.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • His would-be classpect is Witch of Light.
  • She is 5’9.
  • In the Snowbound Blood: Epilogue Teaser Trailer, Seinru is voiced by Marcie Hobbs, who also voices Mimesis.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

v·d·e Vast Error Characters
Page of Heart Heart.png Rogue of Mind Mind.png Bard of Breath Breath.png Heir of Light Light.png
Silver.pngSova Amalie Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Tin.png Jentha Briati
sanguineAllegory [SA] gigantisDebilitation [GD] animatedHumorist [AH] furbishFacilitated [FF]
Mage of Life Life.png Seer of Hope Hope Outline.png Witch of Doom Doom.png Knight of Space Space Outline.png
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines Copper.png Albion Shukra Gold.png Serpaz Helilo Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
existereOracle [EO] demiurgeQuantified [DQ] pliableDecadence [PD] windlessArtificer [WA]
Prince of Blood Blood.png Sylph of Rage Rage.png Thief of Time Time.png Maid of Void Void.png
Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad Platinum.png Taz Poemme Lead.png Murrit Turkin Iron.png Calder Kerian
macabreExude [ME] perniciousOverkill [PO] unclaspedKahuna [UK] grandioseSaturation [GS]
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix Acid.png Racren Innali Digest.png Turnin Kaikai
Purification.png Edolon Vryche Fusion.png Seinru Narako Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Glass.png Talald Hieron
Corpus Black.png Weird Al Hulk Hogan
Heart.png Jegudial Mind.png Forcas Breath.png Zehanpuryu Light.png Af
Life.png Lilith Hope Outline.png Bathkol Doom.png Sorush Space Outline.png Haniel
Blood.png Wormwood Rage.png Azbogah Time.png Gusion Void.png Procel
Scathing Sharper Defrauding Dealer
Hustle Bones Charmed Defalcator
Exonerated Executor
Ancestors · Lusus · Rogi

The Dead Shufflers Time.png
White Noise · Mimesis · Kheparia · Gaiaeon

Minor Characters
v·d·e Trolls
Resolve.png Yeshin Laevis Calcine.png Cinare Montor Ashes.png Valtel Gurtea Silver.png The Annalist
Silver.png Sova Amalie Acid.png Racren Innali Metal.png Cepros Xirong Nocent Bystan
Glass.png Talald Hieron Phosphorus.png The Fomenter Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Garnie
Caduceus.png Rodere Arsenic.png Husske Mayzee Lye.png Degner Veibod
Ahlina Robiad Sand Sigil.png Mshiri Libeta Spirit.png Vyr Sturra Vinegar.png Vellia
Tin.png Mosura Briati
(The Supernova)
Tin.png Jentha Briati Borax.png Lipsen Fluxum
Cuprum Arsenicatum.png Hayyan Refero Reverberation.png Sabine Berare Notrel Evantt
Filter.png Sirage Feltri Soap.png Mekris Copper.png Cyprim Shukra
(The Exemplar)
Copper.png Albion Shukra
Pascal Linole Pomace Dissolve.png Aumtzi Maught Vitriol.png Raurou Dersal
Herb.png Gerbat Batrav Distill.png Glomer Hicner Cepora Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix
Digest.png Turnin Kaikai Gold.png Serpaz Helilo Talc.png Arcamu Iopara
Talc.png Secily Iopara Electrum.png Crytum Lydian Aislin Crucible.png Cadlys Rankor
Take.png Bytcon Krypto Zinc.png The Jagerman Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
Death.png Necron Exmort Iderra
Nickel.png Divino Nikola Iron Pyrite.png Rypite Koldan
Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad Dexous
Clay.png Cretas Mglina Gingou Disone Steel.png Nezrui Rigida Keiksi Ezlilu
Fusion.png Seinru Narako Platinum.png Fortmistress Deadlock Platinum.png Tazsia Poemme Ammonia.png Endari Vernir
Sublimation.png Clarud Enthal
(The Executive)
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Hot Fire.png Vilcus Cendum
Purification.png Edolon Vryche Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Neilna Uldiaz
Iron.pngCaesar Consceleratus Persolus Iron.pngCalder Kerian
Brass.png Oricka Rourst Lead.png Acerigger Switchem Lead.png Murrit Turkin
Special / Unknown
Magnesium.png Thesal Voorat
(The Unknown/The Forgiven)
Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Mercury.png Zekura Raines
(The Vivifier)
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines Corpus Black.png Weird Al