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Arcjec is left with that and voices how they hate when Murrit does that.  
Arcjec is left with that and voices how they hate when Murrit does that.  

You see the Younger version of Arcjec (AKA, Kidjec) with Ellsee in his room laughing and dancing together during a flashback Ellsee has after falling asleep in the snow
Later, Ellsee is seen falling asleep in the snow on her planet after the exhausting task of entering the game. She appears to have a flashback of her and Arcjec in his hive, dancing around together. The decorations in the room imply that Arcjec and Ellsee may have lived together at one point.

== Personality and traits ==
== Personality and traits ==

Revision as of 05:30, 11 April 2021

Arcjec Voorat
Arcjec Voorat A3A1.png
Arcjec Voorat.png
Arcjec Injured.png
Arcjec Voorat Dreamself.png
XDXD And in case you're agonizing over it in the back of your head for whatever reason... Yes, I missed you too. XDXD DCRC icon.png
Introduction DCRC icon.png First Appearance DCRC icon.png


Bard of Breath


8 Repitonian Solar Sweeps

Gender Identity

He/They (Masc Nonbinary)



Screen Name


Typing Style

Proper syntax and punctuation. Prefixes and suffixes each message with "XDXD". Tends to be verbose.

Strife Specibi


Fetch Modus



The Forgiven - Ancestor
Taz Poemme - Matesprit crush
Laivan Ferroo - Moirail crush
Ellsee Raines - Siblings


Land of Mirage and Monochrome


Curtain Call ♫
A New World ♫
Six By Six ♫
Clamor ♫
Final Bow ♫
Terran Wanderer ♫
Code Red and Existential Dread ♫
Day After Day ♫
Nostalgia ♫
Secure ♫
Trial By Fire ♫
One Step Forward ♫
Good Old Hornless Jerryatric ♫
Twelve By Twelve ♫
Arcjec's Theme ♫
Show's Over ♫
Anywhere Can Be Paradise ♫
I'm Right Here ♫
Courage ♫
Calm Before The Storm ♫
Last Yulepassing ♫
Still Here ♫
Phantazein ♫
A Story About Being Free ♫
Friends Forever ♫
End Scene ♫
BONUS: Arcalicious ♫
Signal To Noise ♫
Could I Be A Hero Too? (Arcjec Voorat Vs. The End Of The World) ♫




Arcjec Voorat, also known by his Skorpe handle animatedHumorist, is one of the main characters in the webcomic Vast Error. His associated alchemic sigil is Magnesium; however, it is heavily modified from its original form. Arcjec's symbol is the only featured character symbol that is not close to an exact replica of its real alchemical counterpart. They have messy, medium-length hair, and their horns are blocky cones with a pointed, curling protrusion at the apex of each one.

Arcjec is based off of the "Self Insert/Main Character" fantroll archetype.

His blood has been notably referred to as 'corn syrup' by the cast, and appears to be a 'mixture' of normal Repitonian bronze blood and lime blood. This blood type and Arcjec's unique sigil were passed down to him by his Ancestor, whose blood was modified after his attempted suicide by hanging and subsequent revival by The Vivifier during The Renaissance.

He was the first troll introduced and the first troll to enter the game.


Six Sweeps

Arcjec wasn't always so depressed and sullen. Prior to the tumultuous end to his relationship with Taz, they were apparently much more outgoing and enthusiastic, if somewhat naive. They used to be interested in comic books and superheroes as well as drawing, 2D animation and scrapbooking, evidenced by the posters on his wall, drawing tablet and the book on top of his refrigerator.

He also seemed to be very interested in (now outdated) SBVRPRPG tournaments, which allowed him to be a little more knowledgeable in how The Game should function. He used to play these games with Laivan and Calder.


The first thing Arcjec is seen doing on the night of The Game is replying to a message from Ellsee, who worries that she is needy and unlikable. He offers the insecure troll an attempt at advice but accidentally turns the conversation around to be about him. Ellsee, amused but touched at them trying to be helpful despite being very poorly equipped to do so, decides that she will finally introduce herself to them and explain their deeper connection. She goes to his hive and tries to get his attention from his respiteblock's window by throwing a rock at it. The sight of a strange troll trying to get his attention immediately terrifies Arcjec and he turns away in shock and freaks out before being invited to play a game of Anthropormuncipality by Laivan with him and Murrit. Arcjec refuses and tells Laivan to try and remember him fondly if he gets killed.

He then tries to get a better look at the now long gone mysterious troll outside his hive but ends up falling out his second-floor window, into the mud and passing out. Arcjec proceeds to have a cryptic dream where they stand in a shapeless void colored in static noise. In this dream, they briefly see White Noise before they abruptly awaken on the floor of their room with their lusus now awake and watching over them. He is surrounded by the many crumpled up drawings of strange symbols he makes in his sleep; something that has been a regular occurrence for Arcjec for much of their life. They see that this time has been no exception: the most recent paper has The Game's symbol crudely drawn on it along with the phrase: 'It's the only way.'

Meanwhile on Prospit, Laivan visits Arcjec's dream self, delivering a Prospitian newspaper as he's done hundreds of times before and wishing Arcjec that wake up soon. Laivan wonders if -- had Arcjec had woken up on Prospit sooner -- he might have been a little happier and gives a reassuring pap to the sleeping dreamself. The dreamself glitches out momentarily, and briefly reverts to his younger, happier former self. Laivan is freaked out by this.

During Arcjec's nap, Murrit sends out a mass-memo to all the trolls (except Ellsee) pertaining to The Game and the events surrounding it. Additionally, after the flower pod in the Frog Temple opens, The Game is suddenly installed on all the troll's main computers.

Shortly after waking up, Arcjec finds themself accosted by Taz, who had been unceremoniously thrust into the game alongside Arcjec (and had apparently been coerced into speaking to Arcjec by Murrit, to her immense displeasure). Taz uses the game's cursor to drag Arcjec to his desk and look at his computer. The former friends bicker for some time before Taz forces Arcjec to look at the reality of the situation -- literally.

After a very forced and impacting peek at the scene you've come to realize that this game isn't a joke.

When Arcjec dismisses Murrit's memo as an elaborate prank done by the sea-dweller, Taz retaliates by forcing them to look out his window and look at the meteor hurtling towards his hive. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Arcjec agrees to work with Taz, despite her constant antagonism and berating of Arcjec. The two reach an uneasy truce (although mutually agree to avoid each other once everything is said and done) and begin working to unravel the secrets of The Game. Arcjec realizes that the symbols they have been writing in their sleep since they were young are connected to the game. After a few spats, they begin inputting the symbols into the game window, while Taz inputs a set of codes she received from Murrit's memo.

This allows Taz access to a set of objects to place outside of Arcjecs hive. Proceeding there, Taz places a series of pillars and an archway around Arcjec's hive, and a mysterious chest in Arcjec's respiteblock. Arcjec opens the chest, which unleashes a powerful gust of wind which sends him hurtling out of his room and destroying the wall in the process. The wind blows Arcjec right in front of the archway, which is activated into some sort of portal. Taz uses the game cursor to pull Arcjec into the portal. After his entry, the pillars around Arcjec's hive divert the oncoming meteor away from his hive and into Skaia, preventing the hive's complete destruction.

During the game

Arcjec awakes on a gray platform inscribed with the Breath symbol, floating in a blank, stark white void. The powerful winds seen during Arcjec's entry appears once again, and in a powerful convergence of wind, it transforms before Arcjec into the denizen of Breath, Zehanpuryu. Arcjec -- terrified and bewildered after the mayhem that led up to his entrance into the game -- laughs hysterically at the sight of his denizen, which the denizen imitates awkwardly.

One of the only times Arcjec has smiled.

After some back and forth between the two and after Arcjec calms down slightly, Zehanpuryu introduces Arcjec to the game and its purpose, pledging himself as Arcjec's guide. Stating that Arcjec is the Bard of Breath, he beckons the Bard to find him again when he is stronger. He inserts himself within the Breath platform and changes the blank planet around them into the newly formed Land of Mirage and Monochrome.

As Arcjec looks around his new surroundings, they are approached by one of the planet's consorts: a bright, vibrant snake (both in personality and in appearance) who tells Arcjec to use the terminal that just appeared next to the denizen platform. The terminal allows Arcjec to access his game UI and Skorpe where he finds that he is being messaged by Taz and Ellsee. Wishing to avoid Taz, he only answers Ellsee, who had just seen a meteor hurtling towards his hive only to disappear and instead found discovered his damaged -- but otherwise intact -- hive. The two quickly catch up before Ellsee is forced to admit that she knows more than she's previously let on and that she's been near Arcjec's hive. When Arcjec mentions the codes they used for the game, Ellsee mentions she's seen them in a book that she has had her whole life and is now finally realizing that they have been a fixture in her life as well. After telling Ellsee to meet up with him when things are less hectic, Arcjec signs off and reads Taz's messages, who very harshly urges Arcjec to update her so she knows that Arcjec is still alive.

After decidedly not responding to Taz, Arcjec speaks with the multicolored snake consort again, who he accidentally names "Guy". Guy tells Arcjec to prepare a weapon, as he is bound to face monsters on his journey. Arcjec equips his scythe before taking his first steps on his journey on LOMAM. Meanwhile, Ellsee creates her own memo in regards to the game and her own knowledge of it; Arcjec is included in it along with all the other trolls. Having just left the terminal, Arcjec does not respond to or see the memo.

As Arcjec follows the path from the terminal, they are once again greeted by Guy, who has been following Arcjec ever since they left the terminal. Before Arcjec can really question Guy on this, the two see a fire in the distance. When they run after it, they see a town being attacked by a powerful shape-shifting monster known as a Shifter. Two more colorful snakes like Guy named Lady and Person run towards Arcjec, pleading to him to stop the monster before it burns down the entire town. Overwhelmed, Arcjec freezes in place, spiraling over the sheer size of the beast, the flaming buildings, and the increasingly demanding snakes. As Person begins to become angrier with Arcjec, he is suddenly brought into a vision of a featureless white void and sees a younger version of himself: Kidjec. Kidjec calls out to Arcjec smiling exuberantly and arms open wide in a vision of piety.

He tells Arcjec that it's okay to leave, and it isn't fair of the snakes to expect him to solve their problems, warning him that trying to help might just make all his painful experiences from the past happen all over again. Arcjec questions this, as running away and not acting is all he's ever done the past few sweeps and it has brought him little happiness. Arcjec worries that his choices have disappointed those who care about him, but admits that half the time he doesn't act, it's because he feels like he can't or that he isn't good enough. However, he desperately wishes he could do something for the people around him. Kidjec states that Arcjec's fears of inadequacy are justification enough to not act, and reiterates that the snakes' problems aren't any of his business or remotely his fault, and don't even matter because they aren't real. Arcjec questions why it does feel like his fault regardless, stating that he doesn't want to keep letting people down, and questions why Kidjec won't help him on this despite having always listened to him and done nothing and despite the fact that saving people was all they ever wanted growing up.

Kidjec tells him that what they wanted out of life was impossible and that's why they gave up on those dreams. Kidjec tells Arcjec that acting will only ever make him miserable because he never knows when to stop. Kidjec tells Arcjec to just leave, tearing into Arcjec further, throwing abuse after abuse at him: he tells Arcjec that he's the reason everyone is miserable. Because Arcjec always tries to help and picks at other people's wounds, never letting them heal. He tells Arcjec that he's absolutely selfish and just desperate to go back to the way things were, and had he just stayed out of everyone's way and done nothing, everything could have turned out differently. He tells Arcjec that every single time he tries to help someone, all he does is hurt them. And that is precisely why he gets hurt back, questioning the point of bothering at all. Kidjec tells him to leave, again and again, repeatedly in a wave of rejection that sends Arcjec to his knees. Arcjec's nose bleeding profusely as a reminder of his encounter with Taz on his 6th wriggling day as he doubles over.

Guy desperately calls out to Arcjec, which finally snaps Arcjec back into reality. Guy asks what was wrong, as Arcjec having apparently gone into a trance. Summoning his courage, Arcjec tells Guy that he's okay and they know what they needs to do. Arcjec instructs Guy and the other snakes to gather and survivors and try to get to safety. Promising to protect the snakes, Arcjec prepares for battle.

Arcjec manages to defeat the monster as the consorts celebrates his victory. He tells them to stop cheering and the consorts suddenly get sad and then retracted his statements, not wanting to see their sad faces. He then receives a list of accomplishments and a variety of Resources and asks the consorts for the location of the actual checkpoint, as they reply it is near the town square and takes him there.

Some time later, his dream self wakes up on Prospit as Dream!Laivan taught him some proper etiquette when Dream!Albion flies down and hugs Laivan from behind, whilst exchanged greetings. Dream!Arcjec is silent for a while until Dream!Albion greets him and angrily complains about his horrible makeshift bed, newspapers that were worth sweeps of information that he couldn't read and Dream!Laivan hanging out of his window. Dream!Albion offers him a lesson on proper etiquette which he begrudgingly replies. As Dream!Albion and Dream!Laivan continues to chat, Dream!Arcjec suddenly changes into his younger self, which Dream!Albion quickly takes notice of. They fly over the building as Dream!Laivan describes to them the concept of Dream Selves. After the discussion, Dream!Laivan offers a grand tour on Prospit, which he and Dream!Albion accepts.

Arcjec's first craft: Beats Taking the Subway

He later arrives at the town square and is greeted by Metatron: the commander of denizens, the facilitator of the trolls' worlds and also an aid to their journey. Arcjec demands an explanation for the numerous happenings and Metatron complies, telling them that he's a consistent figure within The Medium as he hands them a second checkpoint gift: a communicator. Metatron explains the construction of the communicator and its additional feature: the crafting window. Metatron teaches them in making their first craft by combining their strife specibus and a bunch of Resources as the crafting window sprouts out Arcjec's first creation: Beats Taking The Subway.

Arcjec tries to test his crafting skills one more time and this time, they create a mask but thinks it's useless and decides to give it away to one of their consorts.

Metatron tells Arcjec that there's one more concept to explain to him and after that, he wouldn't interject anymore. Metatron further explains that the small space they're both in will act as Arcjec's central hub for the medium at large. He tells Arcjec that he and his friends must create 12 more gates to travel between the other lands that his friends will create and that this can be found in the recipe menu or be unlocked along the way. Only one gate can be built at any given point because they take time to prepare. Arcjec asks Metatron about the gate they're both standing infront of. Metatron explains that it's inoperable at the moment because the planet that it leads to is not here yet but it will be in the future. Metatron quickly changes the subject and tells Arcjec that they must finish their role as server and connect to the hero of life (Ellsee). Arcjec seems almost surprised by this, but quickly tells Metatron that they already knew the entry order but didn't think that they would get in touch with Ellsee so soon. Metatron comments on the two's relationship saying that they seem close, but Arcjec quickly brushes it off and changes the subject again. Metatron moves on saying that everything he's done with Arcjec is all he needs from him and that once the planets align then the initial stretch of Arcjec's journey will be complete. Metatron is assured that Arcjec will figure it out by himself which frustrates Arcjec. Metratron finally leaves in a puff of smoke in the fountain but not before he tells Arcjec that they're doing amazing so far and to keep up the good work.

Arcjec contemplates to himself. The opening chapter of his adventure is about to conclude and he's learned more than he believed in a short amount of time. He then proceeds to open a new memo to make sure the rest of his friends are up to speed on things. Arcjec reminds them in an tired and almost passive-aggressive way that they all haven't talked in a long time and that although it isn't the best way to go about reconnecting, it's the best they've got. They tell everyone that their DMs are open because they don't want to go down the same route the previous memos that Murrit and Elsee made. Arcjec explains that he wants everyone to talk civilly about the general stuff such as their planets. He says that they've all been in the campaign for 7 hours at this point and tells them to rest in a safe area before rushing to their checkpoint. Arcjec informs them all that he's already made it to his first checkpoint and to give him an update on what everyone else's looks like.

Taz is the first one to respond to the memo informing Arcjec that she is at her third checkpoint at the moment which Arcjec finds unbelievable. They proceed to bicker with each other arguing and comparing the progress they've both made so far. Taz tells Arcjec that she hasn't had to fight anything too crazy so far and has to take ridiculous hits for sandstingers. She says that she's currently stuck and can't make any more progress before she goes over to Arcjec's planet. Arcjec informs her that she's going to have to wait for awhile because he hasn't crafted any portals yet. Taz comments on how waiting on him isn't something new and that she watched him ignore her messages. Arcjec apologizes for this genuinely which catches Taz off guard. Arcjec explains to her the reason he did it was because he didn't want to put both of them through what had happened between them before since it was a lot for him and that he wasn't trying to make her upset. Arcjec didn't know what to do and needed some breathing room but tells Taz that they can work together now. She believes Arcjec and accepts their apology.

Albion is the second person to reply to the memo commenting on how adorable Arcjec and Taz's conversation was. Taz questions where Albion is at the moment and she responds saying that she had a change of plans. Ellsee quickly responds to the memo as well after Albion telling Arcjec that it's good timing. She tells Arcjec that she's still working and almost done on getting Calder set up. She thanks Arcjec for sticking up for her. She informs Arcjec that there's big purple-eyed demons all over the place. Albion believes that the demons are being manipulated and says she met the man (Edolon) who was behind that saying that he was using Serpaz's computer. Murrit then responds to the memo which leads to Ellsee getting mad at Murrit saying that she tried to kill her. Arcjec questions how much he's missed while he was gone and tell everyone that they're are dysfunnctional and asks Murrit what her problem is. Calder then replies to the memo accusing Murrit of not being her usual self. Arcjec asks to be filled in on what's happening once again and is told about what Murrit tried to do to Ellsee using his robots. Calder sides with Ellsee and Murrit quickly withdraws from the memo after telling everyone that they don't know what they're doing and what they've brought in with them. Arcjec is taken aback by what had just occurred and begins to ramble on about how things never change which Taz calls them out on. Ellsee asks if they should keep and eye on Murrit but Arcjec tells them that they already have their hands full and that he's going to end the memo here and try again once everyone has a better handle on their situations. Arcjec warns them that things are about to get messy and finally closes the memo.

Arcjec begins trolling Ellsee and tells her that she has some nerve for pulling some major shenanigans. They tell Ellsee that they don't know what her angle is and gets on her case about Calder since it was put out in the open. Arcjec says that tonight is just a lot and that Ellsee is adding onto the pile asking if she even knows what she's doing. At this point he can see what Ellsee is doing in her hive with his computer. Ellsee asks Arcjec if they know what the blinking button is. Arcjec clarifies the situation saying that it's exactly like what Zehanpuryu said to him and that they need to drag Repiton into the middle of what they're doing. He bashes Repiton saying that he doesn't exactly care for it. The tutorial Arcjec is currently looking at states that they no longer need to build portals and that there's already a lot of those and pillars set up for them. He tells Ellsee that she will have to use her "own power" to activate them. Arcjec asks them if they have the same map that is on his screen but Ellsee doesn't. This turns into Arcjec's task since he has to set everything up and he further explains that they have to place the pillars around the circumference of The Mass. Ellsee comments that Arcjec is being extremely rude. Arcjec asks Ellsee what the tutorial means by her "own power" which she explains that there's something Arcjec doesn't know about her and says that her staff is magic. Arcjec comments on how this is the fakest thing she has told them but wants to know more about the staff. He trusts her though, and goes to set things up while telling her to be careful. Arcjec notices that his lusus is with Ellsee and is shocked that he's alive and shows concern for his lusus.

Arcjec asks if things are ready after Ellsee activates the first portal. Arcjec informs her that he's going to go in order of what's closest to her however he also informs her that he doesn't know the exact coordinates and that there's no zoom option on his application. Ellsee voices their concerns on not wanting to go to Stronghold 21 since she believes that she's going to be a walking target. Arcjec sort of disregards this, telling Ellsee to take a deep breath and move forward anyways. Ellsee goes through the portal and the coordinates end up being a little off which makes her begin to panic not knowing how to handle the situation. Arcjec figuratively and literally begins to beat himself up about being terrible at lying. Arcjec begins to angrily ramble to himself because of what he had just done to Ellsee. He quickly begins to focus again working with what he's got and drops the first pillar not so discreetly. Ellsee actrivates it and quickly leaves afterwards. Ellsee returns back to her hive which leads to Ellsee dancing out her frustrations and Arcjec joining in with her. He tells her to pretend that never happened and to not mention it ever again. Ellsee asks if he had fun listening to her music which he confirms that he did. They tell Ellsee that they'll make up for what they did with the last pillar.

Arcjec goes back to check on his hive which is now a wreck with a hole going through the wall of his room and demons all around it. They move their cursor to go inside their hive which is a mess with all of Arcjec's collectibles strewn all over the place. They grab a replica fetch modus to give Ellsee. She gets back to work with Arcjec with him promising to try his best to be there for her through the whole thing. He tells Ellsee that she's going to have to trust him. Arcjec and Ellsee continue to work together with him placing down the pillars and her going through the portals and activating them. At some points Ellsee finds herself getting into trouble which Arcjec prevents by placing the pillars down and keeping her safe. Almost all of the planets connect and Arcjec sighs in relief.


Taz ends up going through the portal that leads to Arcjec's planet and has a flashback to when Arcjec and her were younger. Arcjec wants to ask Taz a question but seems worried to at first. Taz encourages Arcjec to proceed with it anyways which leads to them asking if they'd always be friends forever. She agrees with Arcjec that it was a ridiculous question to ask. Arcjec puts a hand on Taz's back which snaps her out of her flashback. Arcjec tells her that they were wondering where she wandered off to and asks what she was doing over there. Arcjec greets Taz with a smile with their hands in their jacket pockets reassuring her that he's right there. He motions his hand telling her to follow him which leads to another flashback of all the memories they had together as kids.

Act 3 Act 1

Arcjec reopens the memo and decides to take control over the situation since it's been a few hours since anyone has last spoken. They explain that they've slept for a little while in a lawn chair beforehand. He takes one for the team and says that that he's not letting the memo fail again and wants a response from everyone. Arcjec then proceeds to individually call everyone out using ridiculous nicknames he's given them all. Arcjec believes that they've had more than enough time to be able to reach a checkpoint and suggests that they all start talking.

Albion is the first to respond to the memo and Arcjec is grateful for her being poised and punctual. She takes a jab on him and they begin to catch up with each other. Albion tells him that it's not their first time reconvening with each other since they met on Prospit not too long ago. Arcjec doesn't remember this and overall only remembers bits and pieces. That even is hazy to Arcjec and they're not sure if they were with anymore however Arcjec remembers hearing a woman speak but it didn't sound like Albion. Arcjec tags Taz to speak even thought she's sitting right next to them. Taz and Albion explain what had happened to Taz's lusus which Arcjec feels awful for. Sovara then responds to the memo along with Occeus not long after since Arcjec tagged him as well.

Occeus explains that both him and Rogi had made it into the game. Sovara questions how Occeus had managed to let his friend in the game which prompts Laivan to then respond to the memo finally. Arcjec rudely questions where Laivan has been which leads to Laivan asking Arcjec how his special night is since it's his birthday. Arcjec is confused by this but replies to him by complaining how how he's been having to do all of the heavy lifting by bringing the group back together. Laivan wants Arcjec to ask him how he's doing because he wants to brag about his which he proceeds to do anyways. Jentha then replies to the memo and complains about her planet. Dismas quickly comes in and also responds to the memo complaining about his predicament. Serpaz comes in as well and complains about what she's been though but Arcjec cuts her off in fear of getting sidetracked into talking about a whole separate variety package of trolls and their agendas since they can barely comprehend their own at the moment. Ellsee finally replies to the memo as well along with Calder. Arcjec questions his character which Calder dismisses and then proceeds to talk about what happened to Repiton and what's been happening on social media. They talk about Edolon and what his plans are. Arcjec finally tags Murrit since they haven't spoken in the memo yet and Arcjec calls them out for it. Arcjec comes to the conclusion that not only that they're going have to deal with their dirty work, but also save their entire planet from utter destruction. Calder ends up withdrawing from the memo and Arcjec again tags Murrit asking them to talk and do the right thing and apologize. Murrit doesn't take any of it seriously and Arcjec complains about how what's happening is awful and asks what Murrit is offering to all of them. Murrit again doesn't take it seriously, says some nonsense and proceeds to ban themselves from the memo.

Arcjec is left with that and voices how they hate when Murrit does that.

Later, Ellsee is seen falling asleep in the snow on her planet after the exhausting task of entering the game. She appears to have a flashback of her and Arcjec in his hive, dancing around together. The decorations in the room imply that Arcjec and Ellsee may have lived together at one point.

Personality and traits

Arcjec is perceived as closed off and isolated. He is largely defined by his depressive personality. Due to a severe lack of motivation, he largely spends his time in his room sitting at his computer and drinking soda. Arcjec has been known to go as far to perform mundane tasks in his imagination DCRC icon.png while failing to perform them in reality. Arcjec has a generally sardonic attitude towards most things in his life and his life in general and has little tolerance towards anything bothersome to him. He seems to be a little obsessed with how things work in "real life" DCRC icon.png and generally sees things from a rather bleak black and white perspective.

This stunted emotional mindset masks a residual attachment Arcjec still has to his old life that can be seen in his many conversations with his friends, in which they paradoxically claim to be apathetic while also appearing heavily invested in the conversations, as evidenced by the amount of effort put into their responses. He will sometimes go to the extent of ignoring them and/or not replying at all. His general demeanor is, ironically, pointedly the opposite of what his typing quirk and screen name would imply, which can be inferred to be a result of Arcjec losing interest in the personality that he had facilitated when he was younger.

He has love of Mountain Dew: Code Red that borders on addiction. This, along with his hatred of Lunchables, might be some sort of coping mechanism for his past which he simultaneously embraces and rejects in a painful, vindictive loop.

Later on throughout the comic Arcjec begins to improve and open up a little more towards his friends. His changes in behavior can be seen with things such as explaining his actions and past behaivor along with apologizing to Taz and cooporating with her. He also at times is seen opening up towards Ellsee by giving her advice and dancing along with her. Later on in Act 3, you can see this development occur with Arcjec toning down his insults and rude behavior towards others over time as well after entering the game.


Tazsia Poemme

Arcjec and Taz's first time talking in two sweeps. It goes as well as it can.

Arcjec and Taz have had a difficult relationship since the comic started. Stemming from their largely difficult past and supposedly unrealized romantic entanglements. There are many indications that their relationship was at one point abusive or unrequited -- mutually or otherwise -- however neither of these points have been directly confirmed. After some kind of relationship-ending incident, Arcjec has since vehemently avoided any interaction with Taz for over two sweeps while Taz has since desperately tried to reach out to Arcjec. The resulting fallout has clearly affected Arcjec deeply, with Arcjec having displayed a nearly fundamentally different personality and demeanor. Meanwhile, Taz appears to have felt abandoned or betrayed by Arcjec.

When the two are forced to interact with one another during the events of the game, the two are constantly at each other's throats, barely being able to stay civil with one another, even for the sake of their mutual survival. Despite this, even though it is very slight, they did have a couple moments of levity and have been shown to complete their goals as a team rather efficiently all things considered.

Later on during Post-EOA2 and Act 3 Act 1, you can see how they've reconnected and bonded with each other more and have better communcation. Any jabs or insults they throw at each other overall seems more lighthearted unlike previously when they were at each other's throats.

Laivan Ferroo

Despite Arcjec's generally unfriendly demeanor, Arcjec and Laivan appear to have a mutually pleasant friendship, at least by Arcjec's standards. There are hints that there may be some sort of deeper connection between the two, however, given how Laivan acts towards Arcjec on Prospit and the fact that Arcjec's jeans match Laivan's blood color. The two, along with Calder used to play together as kids, but this appears to have ended as Arcjec grew distant and depressed.

After speaking in the newest memo in Act 3 Act 1, they still seem close in some sort of way with Laivan remembering Arcjec's birthday and asking him about it

Ellsee Raines

Not much is known about Arcjec and Ellsee's relationship, though Ellsee does seem to value him a great deal. One of her goals being to finally meet him and introduce herself personally, though she is never able to bolster up the courage to actually do it, even when she's already at his hive.

Ellsee appears to care for Arcjec and worries for his wellbeing, even dropping all of her fear to run back to him in order to try and rescue him once she notices the meteor heading towards his hive. Despite this, Arcjec doesn't appear to know much about Ellsee at all; though he does seem to have an easier time speaking to her than the other trolls in his chat fodder. When Ellsee asks if she was likeable, Arcjec does actually try to give her advice (albeit poorly).

It is known that Ellsee and Arcjec's ancestors were matesprits, but it is not known how relevant their relationship is to Ellsee and Arcjec specifically.

Murrit Turkin

Arcjec does not appear to be a big fan of Murrit. After reading through his memo he believes that the game is a prank set up by him and the others to make fun of him and later notes after collecting his personal game codes that he is a "slam jockey with more jolted RGB wires than common decency". And when telling Zehanpuryu about what he believes should have happened post-entry he admits that Murrit is a "friend" and that he is "actually much worse at explaining things than you or this game."

You can still see this going on when Arcjec's patience runs thin when asking Murrit to talk and apologize in Act 3 Act 1. He also comments "hate when they do that" after Murrit bans themself from the memo.

Jentha Briati

Arcjec has mentioned Jentha once during a conversation with Taz as they were working towards his entry. He seems to know enough about her to gauge what her interests are, but otherwise, there is no information on their relationship except for the memo in Act 3 Act 1 when Jentha mentions that Arcjec and her were supposed to trade a Funko figure in the past, but Arcjec backed down from it. Arcjec tells Jentha that her "whole area of residency is a huge issue when it comes to drone delivery". This implies that they've interacted in the past.

Calden Kerian

Calder and Arcjec were once friends in their youth, but that doesn't appear to be the case anymore.

In Act 3 Act 1, there seems to be tension between the two when they first greet each other. Arcjec comments that Calder sounds "different now" and that "it feels like I don't know who I'm talking to." Arcjec also states that he has "no qualms in banning" Calder from the memo as well when telling him to knock it off.

Serpaz Helilo

There is not much information on their relationship. Serpaz and Arcjec seem to not have any problems or tension with each other. Arcjec mentions in Act 3 Act 1 that he's taking her seriously and that he knows she's always serious along with saying "You told me that once." This implies that they have some sort of relationship/interaction beforehand. Serpaz also listened to Arcjec when they asked her to be quiet when she was trying to inform him about things.

Albion Shukra

Albion and Arcjec seem to get along well. The two speak about their relationship when they were younger in the memo in Act 3 Act 1. Albion comments on how Arcjec was "one of the few people" who believed in her position when they were younger as well. Arcjec tells her that he thought it was "an elaborate backstory" she made for a character. Arcjec comments on how he would consistently tell her when they were younger that she would always be good at the game he played and that she unfortunately never joined. She tells Arcjec how she was on Prospit with him but he doesn't remember.

Sovara Amalie

There is no information on their relationship for the most part. There is evidence that they've talked in the past with Sovara bringing up in Act 3 Act 1 that she's read weirder from Arcjec "that doesn't even break my top 12 list of Arcjec strangerisms." They don't seem to have any problems with each other.

Dismas Mersiv

There is no information on their relationship. They only interact a handful of times in Act 3 Act 1 where Arcjec comments to him that Lavain's method of bothering people is "his only method".

Occeus Coliad

There seems to be something going on between the two but there's not much information about their relationship. Occeus comments in Act 3 Act 1 that their past interactions have been more "charitable" and what Arcjec is doing is "weird". There seems to be some sort of tension between the two but not that much.


  • His trolltag 'animatedHumorist' is an ironic holdover from his past active interest in comic books and cartoons. 'Animated' refers to the way in which characters in this medium are portrayed, and 'Humorist' in how cartoons are often comedic in nature.
  • Arcjec is often compared to Karkat VantasMSPA Wiki.png, due to their similarly cantankerous demeanors, penchants for tirades (although Karkat is clearly the more long-winded of the two), and their roles as "the first troll" in their respective comics. This has become a bit of a running joke between fans of the comic, who often ironically ship the two together. This was brought to a head for April Fools Day 2017 when there was a short four-page comic dedicated to the subject.
  • Arcjec's archetype is simply "main character" but is also paired with "self-insert". It has been noted that he was at one point a true self-insert of Austin in the very early stages of development in 2011. However, he claims that they do not "really share any similarities at this point, except for soda consumption".
  • Arcjec has a habit of typing out loud, or rather, speaking whatever he happens to be typing.
  • Arcjec's initials are AV, which are the same initials as Austin.
  • Based on his (former) blood color, aspect, and dream moon, Arcjec's true sign on Alternia would be Taurus, Sign of the Unfledged.
  • The names given to Arcjec on pages 3 and 4 of the comic are "hypocritical asshat" and "little shit" respectively.
  • Arcjec has a figurine of June EgbertMSPA Wiki.png in his room.[1]
  • He runs a Filler account under the username NextIssue.
    • It is the only abandoned account out of the cast.



  1. austinado and Sparaze. Vast Error, p. 971 DCRC icon.png. 19 May 2019.

v·d·e Vast Error Characters
Page of Heart Heart.png Rogue of Mind Mind.png Bard of Breath Breath.png Heir of Light Light.png
Silver.pngSova Amalie Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Tin.png Jentha Briati
sanguineAllegory [SA] gigantisDebilitation [GD] animatedHumorist [AH] furbishFacilitated [FF]
Mage of Life Life.png Seer of Hope Hope Outline.png Witch of Doom Doom.png Knight of Space Space Outline.png
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines Copper.png Albion Shukra Gold.png Serpaz Helilo Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
existereOracle [EO] demiurgeQuantified [DQ] pliableDecadence [PD] windlessArtificer [WA]
Prince of Blood Blood.png Sylph of Rage Rage.png Thief of Time Time.png Maid of Void Void.png
Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad Platinum.png Taz Poemme Lead.png Murrit Turkin Iron.png Calder Kerian
macabreExude [ME] perniciousOverkill [PO] unclaspedKahuna [UK] grandioseSaturation [GS]
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix Acid.png Racren Innali Digest.png Turnin Kaikai
Purification.png Edolon Vryche Fusion.png Seinru Narako Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Glass.png Talald Hieron
Corpus Black.png Weird Al Hulk Hogan
Heart.png Jegudial Mind.png Forcas Breath.png Zehanpuryu Light.png Af
Life.png Lilith Hope Outline.png Bathkol Doom.png Sorush Space Outline.png Haniel
Blood.png Wormwood Rage.png Azbogah Time.png Gusion Void.png Procel
Scathing Sharper Defrauding Dealer
Hustle Bones Charmed Defalcator
Exonerated Executor
Ancestors · Lusus · Rogi

The Dead Shufflers Time.png
White Noise · Mimesis · Kheparia · Gaiaeon

Minor Characters
v·d·e Trolls
Phoene Pegmin Yarina Mammon Tafner Neeris Gamaun
Resolve.png Yeshin Laevis Shiopa Atshor Calcine.png Cinare Montor Ashes.png Valtel Gurtea
Ounce.png Lutzia Cullex Silver.png The Annalist Silver.png Sova Amalie Acid.png Racren Innali
Metal.png Cepros Xirong Nocent Bystan
Manila Folder Mecera Koniga Spirit.pngVyrmis Sturra Glass.png Talald Hieron
Phosphorus.png The Fomenter Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Caduceus.png Rodere Garnie
Arsenic.png Husske Mayzee Hemiot Septem Bakhas Borwik Ruveit
Lye.png Degner Veibod
Sand Sigil.png Mshiri Libeta Medjed Sapkha Culium Ahlina Robiad
Vinegar.png Vellia Tin.png Mosura Briati
(The Supernova)
Tin.png Jentha Briati Borax.png Lipsen Fluxum
Cuprum Arsenicatum.png Hayyan Refero Reverberation.png Sabine Berare Margol Ohotka Notrel Evantt
Sahvel Pohors Urodea Svarov Filter.png Sirage Feltri Soap.png Mekris
Copper.png Cyprim Shukra
(The Exemplar)
Copper.png Albion Shukra Pascal Linole Pomace
Dissolve.png Aumtzi Maught Vitriol.png Raurou Dersal Tenemi Tenbra
Herb.png Gerbat Batrav Cepora Distill.png Glomer Hicner Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix
Quintessence transparent.png Dionys Barnum Calx.png The Principal
Femmis Gverdi Digest.png Turnin Kaikai Qetish Gold.png Serpaz Helilo
Retort.png Helica Alembi Talc.png Arcamu Iopara
(The Commandant)
Talc.png Secily Iopara Alcest Sedokl
Electrum.png Crytum Lydian Aislin Crucible.png Cadlys Rankor
Kimosh Kumora Take.png Bytcon Krypto Zinc.png The Jagerman Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
Death.png Necron Exmort Iderra
Nickel.png Divino Nikola The Bravura Gascon Koldan
(The Bravura)
Iron Pyrite.png Rypite Koldan Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad
Dexous Soot.png Pramen Kasazh
Clay.png Cretas Mglina Roxett Esclur Gingou Disone Keiksi Ezlilu
Steel.png Nezrui Rigida Fusion.png Seinru Narako Platinum.png Fortmistress Deadlock Platinum.png Tazsia Poemme
Ammonia.png Endari Vernir Sublimation.png Clarud Enthal
(The Executive)
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Hot Fire.png Vilcus Cendum
Purification.png The Holistic Blight Purification.png Edolon Vryche Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Neilna Uldiaz
Iron.pngCaesar Consceleratus Persolus Iron.pngCalder Kerian Brass.png Oricka Rourst Lead.png Acerigger Switchem
Lead.png Murrit Turkin
Special / Unknown
Magnesium.png Thesal Voorat
(The Unknown/The Forgiven)
Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Mercury.png Zekura Raines
(The Vivifier)
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines
Corpus Black.png Weird Al