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< Template:CiteSocial
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Syntax[edit source]

|whosaid    =    The individual who authored the citation.
|platform   =    The social media platform the citation is from.
|date       =    The date the citation occurred. (MMM DD, YYYY format preferred.)
|quote      =    A quote being cited, if applicable.
|link       =    A link to the cited quote, if applicable.

Notes[edit source]

  • Keeping whosaid empty will result in the author being listed as An unknown author.
  • Keeping platform empty will result in the platform being listed as An unknown platform.
  • Keeping date empty will result in the date being listed as An unknown date.
  • Keeping quote empty will result in no quoted text being appended to the end of the citation.
  • Keeping link empty will result in no hyperlink being appended to the end of the citation.

Sample Output[edit source]

Typical Usage[edit source]

{{CiteSocial|platform=twitter|whosaid=@VastError|date=Nov 13, 2019|quote=i like vast error|link=https://twitter.com/VastError/status/1194829210755457024?s=20}}

Typical citation of a quote said on social media.@VastError on Twitter on Nov 13, 2019."i like vast error" https://twitter.com/VastError/status/1194829210755457024?s=20

Date and link omitted[edit source]

{{CiteSocial|whosaid=@austinado#2302|platform=discord|quote=Hillary Duff doesn't like peepee boys}}

Typical citation of a quote said on social media.@austinado#2302 on Discord on an unknown date."Hillary Duff doesn't like peepee boys"

Whosaid, date, and link omitted[edit source]

{{CiteSocial|platform=tumblr|quote=Bold of you to assume you can even cite to Tumblr.}}

Typical citation of a quote said on social media.An unknown author on Tumblr on an unknown date."Bold of you to assume you can even cite to Tumblr."

Whosaid, platform, date, and link omitted[edit source]

{{CiteSocial|quote=a ghost said this}}

Typical citation of a quote said on social media.An unknown author on an unknown platform on an unknown date."a ghost said this"